3 Killed Highway 111 Crash Near Palm Springs (May 21)

3 Teens Killed in Palm Springs Area Crash

 3 Killed Highway 111 Crash Near Palm SpringsPALM SPRINGS, Calif. (May 28, 2021) — A fatal crash on Highway 111 last week in the Palm Springs area has claimed a third victim.

One of two people who were taken to the hospital has died.

A total of four people were riding in a vintage, 1970 Dodge Dart Swinger. The vehicle reportedly veered off the roadway before it overturned multiple times near Angel Canyon Trail. The location is between Windy Point and the Palm Springs Visitor Center.

The Desert Sun reports that two of the victims died at the crash scene between 8:14 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.  The male, 17, and female, 16, were both from Banning and are identified on the Riverside County Sheriff Coroner’s website.

One Survives Deadly Highway 111 Crash with Major Injuries

Meanwhile, two others who were riding in the Dodge Dart were transported to Desert Regional Medical Center. Both suffered major injuries in the crash and one of them later died at the hospital. The fourth is expected to survive the crash.

Investigators seek to determine what led up to the fatal Highway 111 crash, but early indications are that speed was a factor.

Johnson Attorneys Group is a proud, longtime supporter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Our law firm does not represent any of the parties mentioned above; nor is it our intent to represent any of the parties. If you have legal questions or would like to contribute to this story, please contact us.

James Johnson

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