2 Killed, 2 Injured in Head-on Collision on SR-116
(Updated) SANTA ROSA, Calif. (Dec. 12, 2023) — Logan Scroggins, 21, and Elisa Scroggins, 23, were killed and two others were injured early Saturday in a head-on crash on State Route Highway 116 and Sonoma Avenue near Graton in the Santa Rosa area.
The two-vehicle collision occurred at around 12:11 a.m. on Dec. 9th, according to the California Highway Patrol.
CHP officials from the Santa Rosa station responded to the scene and located three people in a crashed Mitsubishi 3000 GT and a driver in a Toyota 4 Runner SUV.
Investigators working on the case determined the Mitsubishi driven by Logan Scroggins was heading eastbound on Highway 116 when the vehicle drifted into oncoming traffic. The car crashed head-on into a Toyota 4-Runner SUV.
Head-on Crash on State Route 116
Upon impact, the brother and sister in the Mitsubishi were killed, but their male backseat passenger survived with severe injuries.
Paramedics transported the injured man to Santa Rosa Memorial Hospital.
Meanwhile, the man driving the Toyota also survived and suffered serious injuries. He was taken by ambulance to the same hospital.
Police continue to investigate the circumstances leading up to the fatal crash on Highway 116.
Finally, witnesses are encouraged to call the Santa Rosa CHP office at 707-588-1400.
Johnson Attorneys Group hopes this news information is timely and helpful, but our law firm does not represent any of the parties mentioned above . Additionally, if you would like to contribute any information, add a GoFundMe page or have legal questions, please call 1-(855) 703-4186 as soon as possible. Our personal injury law firm is a proud, longtime supporter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).
Source: CHP Santa Rosa, CBS News
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