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Fatalities Rise on Los Angeles Streets Despite Drop in Traffic and Collisions

Spike in Number of L.A. Traffic Fatalities Despite Traffic Slowdown Due to Coronavirus Pandemic

 Fatalities Rise on Los Angeles Streets Despite Drop in Traffic and CollisionsLOS ANGELES, Calif. (June 4, 2020) —  Fatalities rose in Los Angeles despite stay-at-home orders, fewer collisions and reduced traffic on our roadways.

It appears that drivers are speeding on less congested throughout Los Angeles and that has contributed to a spike in traffic fatalities even though the overall number of collisions has declined.

Streets Are For Everyone, a nonprofit traffic safety group, reports there was a spike in Los Angeles traffic fatalities in March, April and May.

The group joined the Los Angeles Police Department in a news conference to discuss the problems facing Los Angeles roadways.

Their findings were there was a 38-percent decrease in traffic accidents while stay-at-home restrictions were in place during the pandemic.

However, there was a 15 percent spike in the number of people killed in collisions compared to the same time last year, police statistics show.

Pedestrian fatalities were also up by 33 percent and the majority were in the LAPD’s South Bureau area.

There were more than a dozen fatal crashes reported just since the beginning of May, police said.

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