Multi-Vehicle Car Accident Riverside 91 Freeway, Arlington Avenue

 Multi-Vehicle Car Accident Riverside 91 Freeway, Arlington Avenue
Van overturns in HOV lane after multi-vehicle collision on the Riverside 91 Freeway at Arlington Avenue – file photo

Alleged “Speed Race” Leads to 3-Vehicle Collision; Van Overturned

RIVERSIDE, Calif. (Feb. 8, 2024) — A van overturned in an accident on the Riverside 91 Freeway after being hit by a driver involved in an alleged speed contest with another motorist just east of Arlington Avenue.

The multi-vehicle crash occurred at around 11:19 a.m. on Feb. 8th, according to the California Highway Patrol report.

Van Hit on Riverside 91 Freeway

The drivers of a silver BMW and a white Ford Mustang were reportedly engaged in a speed contest when one or both of them collided with a white van on the eastbound 91 Freeway, police said.

The Mustang wound up in the center divider and the van overturned onto its side in the HOV lane. Furthermore, the third vehicle was in the No. 2 lane after the crash.

Also, the Riverside Fire Department responded to help the driver from the van who had complaints of pain and possibly unknown injuries.

Finally, a witness told detectives the BMW and Mustang were involved in a speed contest, but the investigation into the accident on the Riverside 91 Freeway is ongoing.

Johnson Attorneys Group hopes this news information is timely and helpful, but our law firm does not represent any of the parties mentioned above . Additionally, if you would like to contribute any information, add a GoFundMe page or have legal questions, please call 1-(855) 703-4186 as soon as possible. Our personal injury law firm is a proud, longtime supporter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).

Source: CHP Incident: N0482

James Johnson

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