Johnson Attorneys Group
11620 Wilshire Boulevard
9th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 92505
(310) 775-2007
Available 24 Hours

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Los Angeles, CA - No Fees Unless we Win!

Our attorneys are dedicated to providing you the best, compassionate, and skilled legal representation in Los Angeles, California. Johnson Attorney Group has a team of professionals ready to assist with any personal injury or wrongful death issue. We are passionate about pursuing justice for all our clients by providing outstanding legal representation for people who have been injured in an accident or suffered harm due to the negligence of a third party.

Los Angeles Personal Injury Reviews

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We are Experienced in All Kinds of Personal Injury Cases in Los Angeles, California

Your Rights Stay Safe

When you work with a lawyer at Johnson Attorneys Group, here are the values you can expect our staff to uphold:

  • We’re Ready to go to Trial if We Have To: Although it doesn’t always happen, our attorneys can negotiate their way through a trial. We will try mediation or pre-litigation settlements first to save you money.
  • There Are No Surprise Fees: Some lawyers will slap you with every extra fee in the book. That’s not so with Johnson Attorneys Group. You only have to worry about extra fees if we settle the case. Otherwise, the fees are paid via contingency.
  • We Want You to Get Your Old Life Back, Too: Chances are, you’re pursuing hiring an attorney in Los Angeles because you want to get a semblance of your old life back. Whether you can’t pay for your medical fees or you need extra care for your injury, we want to help you get back to your life, too. We will work our hardest to get your losses covered so they don’t have to come from your pocket.
  • Your Health Matters Most to Us: Winning legal cases for our clients is what we do at Johnson Attorneys Group, but foremost, we care about the health of our clients. If your life is still a complicated array of doctor’s visits, medications, and other treatments, then all the money in the world won’t restore its quality. We have a team of physicians at our disposal that can be recommended to you if need be.

Goals and Promises

These goals help us win cases and build a reputation in Los Angeles for client care:

  • Finding Closure: You surely wish you could put this injury behind you. We understand, but we won’t rush the process. You must approve of the course the case goes.
  • A Swift End: You won’t be languishing for years waiting for the case to be resolved. We will do our best to end it swiftly.
  • No Lower Settlements: If you’re holding out for a max settlement, you can still keep up hope with us. We won’t push you to take less money just so the case can end.
  • A Simpler Understanding of Law: You might not understand every term or course of action in your case. We’re here to explain everything you don’t quite grasp so you know where your case is headed.

Personal Injury Compensation You May Be Entitled

In California, it may be the other driver’s responsibility to provide compensation once they’re found responsible for the accident. That may mean your lost future earnings, lost wages, vehicle damage, pain and suffering, doctor’s treatment, and medical treatment may be covered.

Contact Our Los Angeles, CA Personal Injury Attorneys Today

The days after an accident can leave you reeling. The sooner you reach out to a Los Angeles attorney, the better. This way, you can ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. At Johnson Attorneys Group, we’ve won millions of dollars in lost wages and other compensation for our clients.

Contact us today at (310) 775-2007 to get your complimentary case evaluation today.

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