Memorial Day’s Dark Side: 45 Deaths on California Roads in 2022

 Memorial Day's Dark Side: 45 Deaths on California Roads in 2022

Every Memorial Day, our country honors those who served in the United States military and gave their lives, but there’s also a dark side to the holiday weekend.

It plays out across California’s network of freeways, highways and roadways when drunk, distracted and drugged drivers get behind the wheel.

A high number of mostly preventable deaths will occur throughout the state as people travel to and from holiday destinations, the beaches, barbeques and other celebrations. Impaired and distracted driving, speeding and failure to wear seatbelts are often contributing factors to the injuries and deaths.

Last year, there were 45 people killed and hundreds injured in collisions throughout California over the Memorial Day weekend, the CHP said. This death toll was a 30 percent rise from the same period in 2021, according to the California Highway Patrol. Also, there were roughly 900 DUI arrests made in 2022, the CHP said.

Every year more than 3,900 people die in motor vehicle collisions and roughly 277,000 others are injured in traffic accidents, according to the CHP.

2023 Memorial Day Weekend Enforcement

The CHP will be out in full force over the 2023 Memorial Day weekend looking for impaired or drunk drivers and motorists violating traffic laws such as speeding. The maximum enforcement period begins at 6:01 p.m. on Friday, May 26th and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Monday, May 29th, the CHP said. There will also be numerous DUI checkpoints operating in cities throughout the state to crack down on drunk driving, enforce seatbelt laws, distracted driving and other violations.

5 Tips for Safe Holiday Travel

  1. Expect roads to be busy and give yourself extra time to make it to your destination.
  2. Plan out your route and include stops to allow time for rest. Drowsy driving can be as dangerous as drunk or drugged driving.
  3. Avoid dangerous breakdowns. Make sure your vehicle’s tires are properly inflated, the battery is working and fluids are topped off. Make necessary repairs ahead of time.
  4. Never speed, drive safely and leave plenty of space between your vehicle and others to avoid chain-reaction or rear-end collisions.
  5. Prepare for emergencies. Stock your vehicle with jumper cables or a jump pack, basic tools, first-aid kit, tarp, blanket, medicine, phone chargers, flashlight, batteries, flares/deflectors, paper towels, gloves, water and snacks Source — AAA

Johnson Attorneys Group creates news content and safety tips to inform California motorists and those who visit the Golden State. If you have legal questions and would like to speak with an California personal injury attorney, please contact us as soon as possible. Our law firm is a proud, longtime supporter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).

Source: CHP, AAA

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