Never Drink and Drive Scholarship Finalist Nathan Talks About Prevention

Finalist Never Drink and Drive scholarship

Student Shares How He Would End Drunk Driving

Johnson Attorneys Group’s Never Drink and Drive Scholarship finalist, Nathan H. is studying engineering at Grossmont College in El Cajon.

He is one of several finalists chosen by our law firm for the annual competition every spring. Our friends at Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in California will share the name of the winner on Friday. We are sharing the stories from our finalists throughout the week.

“This week is spring break for many college-aged students and we hope to bring awareness to young people and encourage them to never drink and drive,” said Attorney James Johnson, founder of Johnson Attorneys Group.

Here is the essay submission from Nathan for the Johnson Attorneys Group scholarship competition.:

We should care about drunk driving because we should care about human life. I’m not just talking about our own life, but the lives of every individual inside and outside of the vehicle! When we sit down in a vehicle, we are accepting a life and death responsibility. Drunk driving is a preventable behavior and it is our job as a community to promote health and safety by educating each other on the dangers of drunk driving! We should commit ourselves to responsible behavior by not only promoting sober driving but by promoting the abundance of options now available to us if a situation arrises where we need a sober ride home.

When I started driving at 16, my mom sat me down and explained to me the dangers of drunk driving. I will never forget the conversation. She explained that I am not only endangering myself, but that I am endangering somebody elses most beloved family members. Did I want to be responsible for taking away a most precious life? She then helped me add Uber and Lyft to my phone and said that I was allowed to use these apps in any circumstance that I questioned my own sobriety or the sobriety of my driver. In doing so, she was promoting the use of “new” technology that could save lives.

Overall, I feel a responsibility to my family, my peers, and my community to drive sober and promote the availability of easy technology that could save lives. Let’s make it popular to to drive sober!

Johnson Attorneys Group is a personal injury law firm  with offices throughout California. Our firm is proud to be a longtime supporter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD). Our annual spring essay competition is open to California students or students attending a California college. Read the full details on our website

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