What Parents Need to Know About Back-to-School Safety

 What Parents Need to Know About Back-to-School Safety

The back-to-school season kicks off in late August and early September, but it’s can be both a blessing and a curse to parents concerned about the safety of elementary, middle and high school children.

There are the standard shopping trips for clothes, school supplies and backpacks, but adults will want to also focus on safety.

Parents are the first line of defense in educating children and teens about traffic safety. Whether the child is walking or riding a bicycle to school, or they are newly licensed to drive, there are risks that can be mitigated with basic precautions.

An average of 3 children were killed and an estimated 445 children were injured every day in traffic crashes in 2021. That year, child fatalities grew by 8 percent from 1,109 in 2020 to 1,184 in 2021, according to the latest report the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Overall, children 14 and younger made up 3 percent of the 42,939 traffic fatalities in 2021 in the United States, the NHTSA reports.

Pedestrian Safety Tips

Working parents may want their children to walk or ride their bike to school this year, but while it may be convenient it’s important to go over safety measures first.

Here are some pedestrian and bicycle safety tips for parents to consider:

  1. Pedestrians should always use crosswalks or cross at designated intersections. Never expect motorists will stop or that they see you. Always look both ways before crossing the street.
  2. Teach children to obey traffic signals and pedestrian crossing signs. Remind them that cars are making left and right turns and may not see them.
  3. Pedestrians should avoid distractions such as cell phones or headphones as they cross the road.
  4. Assume you are invisible to motorists and if possible wear light, bright or reflective clothing at night to help make sure you are seen.
  5. Instruct children and young people to make eye contact with motorists before stepping out into the roadway and never attempt to run out to beat the light.
  6. Young people should try to walk in groups if possible to help ensure they are seen.

Bicycle Safety Tips

  1. Always wear a helmet, make sure it fits properly and is in good condition. Bicycle riders who wore a helmet often survived a crash they would not have otherwise.
  2. Inspect your child’s bicycle regularly to make sure the brakes work, tires are inflated and gears are in working condition.
  3. Instruct your child to follow traffic rules and drive in the same direction as cars do. Make sure they use their hand signals so that motorists can anticipate what they are going to do.
  4. Make sure the bicycle has reflectors and lights, especially if riding at night.
  5. Bicyclists should always be alert and aware of road conditions and where other motorists are.

Newly Licensed Drivers

This might be the first year your teenager is licensed and they want to drive to school on their own, but navigating high school behind the wheel can be stressful.

Use the following tips to help ensure your new driver is prepared:

  1. Remind them to observe school zones and reduce speed accordingly.
  2. Have them put their cell phone in the truck or glove compartment to avoid distractions.
  3. Make sure they know the best route to school and have them avoid busy or complicated intersections if possible.
  4. Remind them to be aware of pedestrians and bicyclists.
  5. Ask them to always wear a seatbelt even on short trips to school.
  6. New drivers should not have passengers and should follow provisional license rules.
  7. Take the time to go over what to do if they see a stopped school bus with its red lights flashing and the stop sign extended. It is illegal and dangerous to pass a stopped school bus.

Remember, your children will have a lot of their minds during the first few weeks of school and it’s important that they stay focused and that they are reminded of safety measures.

California Personal Injury Attorney

We hope that these safety tips help you with planning for the back-to-school season. This should be an enjoyable time so we want everyone to be safe and prepared for school this year.

If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence or a dangerous condition while riding your bicycle or e-bike, give us a call so we can help you recover your your losses. Please contact Attorney James Johnson at 1-(855) 703-4186 to discuss your potential claim.

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